Due to assorted stuff there’s been a schedule change for the next Tiny Army meeting.
My Kinect/Animata talk is now scheduled for February 1.
This month (January 4) we’ll be seeing Bob Boze Bell instead.
This actually works out well. While I have stuff ready to show, I’ve learned all kinds of things about Animata that I’ve been working to include in my demos, so the extra time will allow me to also show some better Android/Processing/OSC neatness as well.
The general outline of my talk:
There may or may not be some Wii stuff in there. SketchUp and LightUp will make an appearance as well.
I’ve a few goals with this talk, but one of them is to avoid overload. So I’m looking for a balance of interesting, practical “show and tell” and some extended observations on what’s now possible with readily-available hacker/artist-friendly tools like Processing, Android, Arduino, and such.